Tuesday, June 05, 2007

the process with the twins is coming along. today the paperwork was sent to the guatemalan embassy in texas. that means we are headed into family court with them and after that the pgn process is the only thing left. coming home date will hopefully be august. a few pictures have been sent to us from our cotact there but none really show the girls well. we'll see if we can find another photo to post of the adorable babes.
thanks as always!

we now have a crawler, mover, shaker in the house! we were a little worried that she would walk before she figured out crawling. much to our relief she took about 7 steps june 4th. she is now cruising about at a good clip and walking is sure to come quick. she stands fairly well and is starting to put things together. she says "uh oh", "mama", she signs 'more', 'ball' and understands a lot of other things receptively.

j loves her big brother and enjoys his company immensely. here is a great pic we got of the two of them together.