Thursday, July 20, 2006

one step at a time

Storme'n in

finally pulled into the driveway about 2 pm today. We planned to drive all night but just couldn't pull it off after such a full day of moving and cleaning; so we ended up pulling off the highway and napping between 2-5 am. h is still feeling quite a bit under the weather. She has been resting as much as she can in hopes of a recovery by Saturday morning. There are so many things still to do before we leave for the airport at noon! The house is in disarray due to renovations and we have only added to the chaos with our unpacking of the van! Oh time to organize -- only time to prioritize and leave the rest for our return. Sppeaking of priorities, I had better post this and start packing J's clothes, diapers, and toys. Then off to pack for myself and do my best to put the house back in working order for our friends who are doing our renovations. Be time we post we will be in Guatemala with baby j!! yay!