Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Day 5


Well we got our pink slip issued yesterday. This is wonderful news; however, our appointment at the embassy is not until March 30!! This is not what we expected at all. Seems the embassy will be closed for a big event and appointments will be happening the end of March. Sigh….so, I will stay here for 25 more days. Baby J and I will soon be moving to a place that is more reasonably priced and still in a safe area. This has been the biggest news we have received (and the most disappointing). I sent an email requesting an earlier interview date. The reply I received was not encouraging. But, I did inform them to please let me know of any cancellation that happens. We shall see…

Today we met two sisters from Pittsburgh. One of the sisters is adopting a baby girl who is just about 2 weeks older that J. However, she weighs almost 10 pounds more than J!! You can see her in the picture above. Wild that they are almost the same age!!

Well, J is sleeping and I am pooped! Will update some more in the next couple of days. Please continue holding us in your prayers and knowing our homecoming will be in divine time…

Love to all of you!