Saturday, July 22, 2006

Storme'n in

Storme'n in

we arrived in guatemala last night and thankfully were able to sleep through the night. i dreamt and dreamt of her arrival. this morning we got dressed and rushed down to hit the last few mins of breakfast... low and behold the babe arrived. i am flooded with love and wonderment. she is absolutely one of the tiniest babies i have ever seen. she is beautiful, alert and fun. we of course took her to the room and made her naked. she had a poopy diaper and that sticky newborn poo was just too much. i got in the tub with her and she peeped a bit. she liked being in the water but taking her out made her mad. we´ve done nothing since except snuggle and love her. she is now wrapped on my chest and happy that we stopped messing with her i bet. cannot share the way this feels, so fun, wonderful, amazing!