Thursday, July 27, 2006

day trip

Storme'n in

Hello everyone...well we are nearing the end of our visit. We are grateful for all the love and support everyone is sending our way!! Somehow we will get through tomorrow…we know and trust that everything is divinely orchestrated and are doing our best to move through each moment with that knowing; as hard as it may be. Heaven knows, this is not the first time on this journey that this knowing and trust has been challenged!

Yesterday we went to Antigua for the day. It was great to get out of the hotel and see something other than the city. Antigua is neat -- original cobblestone streets, a lot of spanish design, signs of the Mayan culture and people, artisans selling their wares, ruins, beautiful views of 3 distant volcanoes... The 1st picture above is a view of one of the volcanoes from the center of town and the 2nd one is of the three of us at a coffee roasterie - love that guatemalan coffee! Don’t know that J enjoyed the outing very much as she was not feeling well (big frown). She was fairly lethargic – mostly slept the whole day and did not eat well at all! The wrap we brought has been wonderful for having her with us on outings (thanks danelle!!). h says that fluid has come out of orifices that she knows we didn’t put anything in (laughing)!! poor girl….she seems to be feeling better now as she has kept more milk down and is not as lethargic. Today we are spending every moment as quality time and preparing for our journey back to the states. Off to spend time with my baby...